Chirag seemed so full of life. He seemed to be a man of with a view of his own. His life had been a roller coaster journey, with regular ups & downs. He seemed to invite trouble at every corner of his life (he would call it action & challenge)…….. a regular trouble shooter. But what stood apart was his ability to smile at everything & take life as it came by….without much of complains. He seemed to thrive in challenges. He came across as a person, who could just never say a NO…..always wanting to be of help to others irrespective of his own situations, & end up getting into many troubles.
Our friendship continued & cemented over the next few months. Coonoor had left a soothing piece in our memory, & we kept in regular touch after that. We kept meeting more & more & sharing more & more about ourselves.
However the reason of my writing about Chirag on my blog is extremely sensitive.
Chirag is in love with a girl, Piali. They have been in a relationship for more than 14 years. The intensity of love between the two is something to be imagined…… times bordering around unbelievable. Chirag had introduced me to Piali last year, when I was visiting Kolkata, & I was amazed at their chemistry & love… pure & simple. Just made for each other. When together, they are like a dream……. Stuff that famous love stories are made of. When in difference, its hard to believe that they were ever together.
Sadly, a couple of months back, Chirag has had a serious tiff with Piali, & she has just left him & gone. He has no clue on where she is & has not been able to connect with her. Even on her birthday, Piali was unreachable. I have never seen Chirag so glum & sad & lost. Reading Chirag’s diary, especially on their relationship has been a revelation of sorts……I just want them back together !!!!!
Over the phone, the other day Chirag was singing,
“Chand mera dil, Chandni ho tum, Chand se hai door, Chandni kahan, Laut ke aana, hai yehin tumko, jaa rahe ho tum, jao meri jaan ……jao meri jaan”
This is an attempt from my side to reach out to Piali & tell her, how much she is being missed & loved. As a series of articles, I shall attempt to piece in together their love story & their journey together this far. I just hope Piali reads my blog & realizes the need to come back…….from where ever she is………
Pls come back Piali….pls......I don’t think You or Chirag can ever live without each other !!!!
to be continued.........
What Can a Short Trip Change in Your Life?
5 weeks ago
i hope and will pray that ur friends gf comes back to him am sure she will.u can't be mad for a long time if u realllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy love someone madly.:-)
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