She was like a charm......her soft but assertive voice, her a waterfall....cascading ceaselessly & endlessly.....quenching the queries of stupids like us, reassuring us with the support systems, while her own was almost non functional.....Neetu, the heart of our APEX team, especially the "Re Connect" left us all behind in this mortal complete daze.
She suffered in enormous pain, but amazingly managed to smile through all of that. Honestly, I dont know, where she found the courage to do all the work, while inside, her mortal body was gradually losing to the mangling tentacles of dripping out...slowly but surely......medicines & science, prayers, wishes....kept her going only till this much......
I am actually at a loss to explain how we all feel, & hence am just putting up an email that our CEO, Ramesh Raman had put up to all of us after she left us......listless & empty.......
NEETU - R.I.P. - REconnect In Peace
If Sorabh gave birth to the idea of having REconnect sessions it was Neetu who put her body, heart and Soul into it. A perfectionist who left no stone un turned to make the REconnect sessions a big success in a short span of time.
Always bursting with ideas she did pioneering work in starting the 40 days SMS service, Weekly Essence and Monthly Musings. Always ahead of time, she would ensure that SMS for atleast 60 days were approved, 10 weekly essence and 2 monthly musings were available much ahead of schedule. She would diligently compile all emails received from APEX participants appreciating our services. Her idea to send Birthday wishes to participants was a great hit and a pleasant surprise to recipients. Her fan mail increased manifold but she was always down to earth.
Even when she was admitted to the hospital for surgery she requested for a data-card so that she could continue with her work. I had no choice and she ensured that non of the services to our clients were interrupted. She went out of the way to ensure that we got the best rates for sms and was very particular that the same was delivered at 9am sharp everyday.
She suffered a lot but let no one know about it. Clients and participants were blissfully unaware of her condition and it was only in the last 10 days that she finally yielded. She called me and mentioned that it was impossible for her to continue. But even after that she continued to respond to sms.
So great was the confidence of clients in her, that, when she did did not respond to Shangri-la in Sydney, they called me and asked if she was sick. "We thought only ill health will prevent her from responding and so we were worried". When told about her illness they could not believe that she was so efficient in such adverse circumstances.
Her connection with the Divine is not in doubt, but wherever she is I am sure, she has started REconnect services for those not so well connected with the Divine.
TEAM APEX will miss her but her innovative ideas and dedication will help us retain her pleasant memories alive for ever.
A satsang on 2nd Aug at Matunga, in her memory & honour was all that we could do for her. The wet evening, was poigant in her thoughts, as even the rain gods joined us to pay tributes, to one of the most beautiful souls ever.
Neetu.....we will miss you for ever.......may you rejoice & rest in peace & forgive us for all the hardships we gave you.....You will always remain in our hearts, as a Huge inspiration....
Love you always...for ever.....
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