Finally the monsoons have arrived in Mumbai & the city is heaving a sigh of relief from the sweltering heat & grime. Hopefully, the water table in the cachement areas should now show some improvement. Hopefully, areas parched for water can now look forward to some regular water supply.
The landscape has started to bear the lush green look & thats a feast for the eyes. The dry brown look that seemed to threatening a few days ago along with the rising barometer, is now thankfully a thing of the past.....for now !!!
One can now, look forward to lazy evenings by the sea side, sipping hot tea along with wada pao or samosa, after a cool drench in the pelting drizzle. This indeed is very tempting & sure, like many Mumbaikars, I will do that a few times over the next couple of months....just allow the downpour to wash away the tensions, the fatigue, the grind......& then break into a zig over a puddle like a child, gaze into the grey horizon flashing an occasional crack of lightning, opening up to croon my favourite numbers, oblivious of stares from the passerbys.....hehehehehe, guess, these small sparkles of happiness keeps us going....
However, we Mumbaikars, would obviously also have to bear the brunt of the other side. Rains means, long traffic snarls, choked pipelines & gutters making the city dirtier.....its all a big challenge, especially the daily commuters to work.
At my residence, I have a new problem to address. last year, the bedroom wall would become damp in the rains & that had damaged some of my furniture. It has been raining quite heavily since yesterday evening & today, morning, I saw water seeping in !!!.... there seems to be a leak in the wall & heavy rains means water seepage...shucks one has to speak with the building society people for permission to get the repair work done... to find a good mason / plumber(they are in super demand now) supervise, so that the problem is sorted out once for all.....I think I have my hands full over the next few days...& to make matters more interesting, I am quite under the weather.....down with a bad throat & running temperature....all of this when I have pile of deadlines at work to combat..... life indeed is so very interesting.
What Can a Short Trip Change in Your Life?
3 weeks ago
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